Ummmm Apple

Ummmm Apple

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Is a eating disorder, which is the refusal to having a healthy body weight. Normally an anorexic person consumes around the amount of 600-800 calories per a day, but there only some serve cases that they starve them self to death.It is a serious mental illness with a high incidence of co-morbidity and the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric disorder. i am pretty sure that you or your family would not want to experience this is the future.

Your five a day

For your five a day all you are required to do is just to eat 5 fruits. These are some of many varieties of fruit that you can eat e.g.  Apple, orange, pear, gape, strawberry, banana, cherry, these are some of many fruits and from my own experience these are all delicious. These are much healthy than eating junk food for example McDonalds  these contains so  much fat, these may even result in a heart attack. Instead of having a burger for lunch you can you can have a salad because it’s healthier and safer to eat as you can see from the example above.



I am also here to tell you about obesity, this is a medical condition that can two diabetes and can also reduce your life expectancy and can also resolve to, various types of cancer and you can also have a heart attack. There are two types of ways of losing all this fat is by dieting and by physical exercise. This causes many problems worldwide and I am pretty sure that you would not want this to happen to your family

The first thing of becoming fit is that you is going to need to exercise. I am going to give you some key factors on becoming fit.  you can may be go on a treadmill for 20 minutes a day, or if you don’t have that sort of equipment  you can may be go for a jog for 20 minutes, if you want muscles you can may be try sit ups or push ups remember exercise if not all about pushing yourself to the limit but it can also be fun who said you can enjoy it at the same time, for example you can play sports e.g., football, basketball, rugby and many more
Hello my name is DaDon-1997 and I am 14 years old and I am here to help you to try and adopt a healthy lifestyle. You guys are probably thinking you can’t be asked to do this, but the matter of the fact is do you really want to grow up being obese and regretting these decisions. Let me tell you a story about myself about 2 years ago I went on holiday to Spain and I was as fat as hell, my mum and dad were worried at the fact that I was going to become obese, over the past 2 years my mum and dad have encouraged me to adopt a healthy lifestyle, and yet I still thank them till this day, ok enough about myself let me tell you my secret on how I am became fit.